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2024-10-15 16:01:28 来源: 软件组工网 作者:admin

本篇文章给大家谈谈5G里的SMF,以及5G的系统结构?对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 今天给各位分享5G里的SMF的知识,其中也会对5G的系统结构?进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!

  1. 5G的系统结构?


5G系统结构采用NFV/SDN以支持数据连接和业务灵活部署, 促使基于业务的控制面网络功能和概念互动:

- 用户面功能和控制面功能分离, 允许独立的可扩展性,可演进性及可灵活部署.比如可选择采用集中式或者分布式的方式.

- 功能设计模块化, 比如采用灵活高效的网络切片.

- 无论在什么地方适用,都可以将相应的过程(网络功能之间的互动)定义为业务, 以便可以复用他们.

- 如果有需要都可以使相应的网络功能和其他的NF互动. 5G结构并没有排除中间功能帮助路由控制面信息. (比如 DRA).

- 缩小接入网络(AN)和核心网络(CN)的依赖性.这个结构是一个公共接入网AN连接汇聚的核心网. 而AN可以是不同的接入类型比如3GPP接入网和non-3GPP接入网.

- 支持统一的鉴全架构.

- 支持 #34;stateless#34; 网络功能NF, 这些网络功能的计算资源和存储资源解耦.

- 支持能力开放

- 同时支持本地和集中化的业务. 为了支持低延迟业务并访问本地数据网络,用户面功能部署需要尽可能的靠近介入网络AN.

- 在VPLMN支持基于LBO和家乡路由的漫游方式.


- 基于业务service-based,控制面相关的网元功能实体能够授权其他网元来访问它的业务。


Namf: Service-basedinterface exhibited by AMF.

Nsmf: Service-basedinterface exhibited by SMF.

Nnef: Service-basedinterface exhibited by NEF.

Npcf: Service-basedinterface exhibited by PCF.

Nudm: Service-basedinterface exhibited by UDM.

Naf: Service-basedinterface exhibited by AF.

Nnrf: Service-basedinterface exhibited by NRF.

Nnssf: Service-basedinterface exhibited by NSSF.

Nausf: Service-basedinterface exhibited by AUSF.

Nudr: Service-basedinterface exhibited by UDR.

Nudsf: Service-based interfaceexhibited by UDSF.

N5g-eir: Service-based interface exhibited by 5G-EIR.

- 基于参考点reference point ,点对点网元功能业务之间互作用点。


N1: Referencepoint between the UE and the AMF.

N2: Referencepoint between the (R)AN and the AMF.

N3: Referencepoint between the (R)AN and the UPF.

N4: Referencepoint between the SMF and the UPF.

N6: Referencepoint between the UPF and a Data Network.

N9: Referencepoint between two UPFs.

N5: Referencepoint between the PCF and an AF.

N7: Referencepoint between the SMF and the PCF.

N24: Referencepoint between the PCF in the visited network and the PCF in the home network.

N8: Referencepoint between the UDMand the AMF.

N10: Referencepoint between the UDM and the SMF.

N11: Reference point between the AMF andthe SMF.

N12: Reference point between AMF andAUSF.

N13: Reference point between the UDM andAuthentication Server function the AUSF.

N14: Reference point between two AMFs.

N15: Referencepoint between the PCF and the AMF in case of non-roaming scenario, PCF in thevisited network and AMF in case of roaming scenario.

N16: Reference point between two SMFs,(in roaming case between SMF in the visited network and the SMF in the homenetwork).

N17: Referencepoint between AMF and 5G-EIR.

N18: Referencepoint between any NF and UDSF.

N22: Reference pointbetween AMF and NSSF.

N27: Reference pointbetween NRF in the visited network and the NRF in the home network.

关于5G里的SMF和5G的系统结构?的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站。 5G里的SMF的介绍就聊到这里吧,感谢你花时间阅读本站内容,更多关于5G的系统结构?、5G里的SMF的信息别忘了在本站进行查找喔。


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